Rebuilding the lives of people in prison & post-release

One stitch at a time

About us

There are currently over 85,000 people in the UK prison system.

Fine Cell Work is a UK-based charity committed to the rehabilitation of people in prison and prison leavers, and to breaking the devastating cycle of reoffending and repeated imprisonment.

Since 1997, we’ve been transforming lives, one stitch at a time.

Find out more

Discover stitchers' exquisite work

Shop our unique designs

Fine Cell Work's exquisitely-stitched products are made by hand in UK prisons, created in collaboration with some of the country’s leading contemporary designers - including  Studio AshbyKit KempCath KidstonNeisha Crosland, Cressida Bell, William Yeoward.

The social enterprise

Our social enterprise trains prisoners and prison leavers in high-quality needlework skills, and then supports and pays them to create beautiful handmade products, designed by world renowned artists.

Become a volunteer

Are you a skilled needleworker with a passion for sharing your skills? We have a small number of vacancies to join our incredible team of prison volunteer teachers!

Write a note of thanks

We encourage everyone who buys or receives a Fine Cell Work product to write a short letter to the stitcher, which Fine Cell Work will pass on.

Knowing that their handiwork is appreciated and valued has a great impact on stichers' self-esteem, confidence and pride.