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The UK has the highest prison population per capita in Western Europe and there are currently over 80,000 people in the UK prison system. Many become trapped within a devastating cycle of reoffending and repeated imprisonment. A government research project in 2019 found that reoffending was twice as high for those who do not find employment in the year after prison release.


By providing purposeful activity to prepare prisoners to successfully reintegrate into the community, we are working to improve prisoner’s skills and well-being. This is key to reducing recidivism. External evaluation demonstrates that the making of high-quality needlework boosts prisoners’ self-worth, instils self-discipline, and fosters hope.


Simply put, a gift will sustain life-changing long-term programmes to reduce reoffending.


You can make a gift by bank transfer (bank details below) or online via Give As You Live.


Account Name: Fine Cell Work
Sort Code: 60-83-01
Account No: 20037545
Bank Name: Unity Trust Bank.

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