Jailbirds - a review

 At a time when feminism and women’s rights are more relevant and urgent than ever, Mim Skinner’s Jailbirds: Lessons from a Women’s Prison sheds light on the UK's female prison population - approx 5% of the...

Healing mental health

“[Stitching] helps relieve the boredom and loneliness when that cell door closes and you're on your own with nothing but your thoughts and regrets. FCW helps relieve some of that anxiety, frustration and depression.”- Peter,...

Shaun's story

"I stitched with Fine Cell Work in prison for two years. It took me about the same amount of time to get into the group in the first place, the waiting list was so long....

Stephen's story

"None of us can predict the future, but I hope to be leaving prison very soon. I would like to take this opportunity to try to express what Fine Cell Work means to me, has done...

Shakespeare & Fine Cell Work by Katy Emck

Founding Director of Fine Cell Work, Katy Emck, writes on the connection between iconic Londoner William Shakespeare and our work.

Become a Fine Cell Work Champion

Want to help Fine Cell Work to keep providing paid, creative and productive work to even more prisoners around the country, helping them to acquire skills, confidence and pride and to look forward to a...

Designer Cressida Bell plunders the past

For Cressida Bell's first collaboration with Fine Cell Work this British designer, renowned for her uncompromisingly decorative style, has blended the influence of her well-known Bloomsbury Group forebears with diverse sources of inspiration to create...

Mental Health and Stitching

For those of you who read my blog post last year you will be aware that stitching was my life line when I was diagnosed with depression. This is still true, although I am not...

Roy's story

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share with you a recent letter sent to us by one of our stitchers, Roy, who explains how Fine Cell Work has helped him cope...