How stitching has changed Mr S.

“I’ve been a member of Fine Cell Work for just over 8 years now and it has been the best experience ever, I never knew how to stitch before and now I can’t go a day without doing some stitch work.
Before Fine Cell Work I was a self-harmer with mental health problems and I didn’t care about anybody or anything, at times I didn’t even care about ever getting out then came along this group of ladies who wanted to help make a difference and I wanted to try something new. Once I got started I never wanted to stop, I loved it and loved getting letters back from people who had bought my work cause it showed it was all worthwhile.
I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it hadn’t been for Fine Cell Work and the four special ladies who give their time up every week to help us.
Because of Fine Cell Work it has been over six years since I self-harmed, I have no mental health problems now and it has made me a better person, to the point where I may be out early 2017, I’m finally going to settle down and get married and make my partner proud of me for once as well as my family.
The volunteers never get enough praise for the wonderful job they do and no matter where I end up I will never forget Fine Cell Work, the volunteers and the chance they gave me. Thank you so very much for the chance you all gave me, for all of your patience and hard work, its because of you all that I’m the person I am today and I’ve seen you change so many men’s lives. You'll always be part of my journey and I’m so glad I joined your group. I will continue to work hard for you for these last few months and will always do my best. Once again thank you for everything you are four special people who will never be forgotten.”
- Mr. S
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