How To... Back Stitch

Learn how to hand-embroider by joining Fine Cell Work's new Virtual Stitch Club.
The fourth stitch we're teaching is Back Stitch, which is great for outlines and we've got some fun embellishment ideas, too. Perfect for beginners, we'd love to see you share your stitching on Instagram @finecellwork with #virtualstitchclub.
Our resident stitch expert, Wendy Cramer, will be on hand every Friday from 2pm to answer your stitching questions.
Follow our instructions as you watch:
- Bring your needle up from the back further down your line
- Then, as the name suggests, bring your needle back and insert it after the end of your last stitch to create a solid line of stitches
- Try and make sure that your stitches are of a uniform length
- Back stitch is a useful stitch for outlining or for decoratively combining with other stitches
- To combine with other stitches, experiment with a contrasting colour and a blunt needle so the original thread doesn't get split
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- Tags: News Stitch Club