Coat of Hopes - COP26

Earlier in the year we were approached to be involved in a creative project called ‘Coat of Hopes’, which involved producing a number of small patches (to be later attached to a coat) stitched with hopes and ideas around climate change and our local landscapes.
The coat will be made up of around 300 patches created by groups or individuals along its journey route and beyond. People’s griefs and remembrances connected to their local landscapes, stories of migration, along with their hopes for the future will be stitched, appliqued, felted and painted onto individual patches. These will then be added to the coat as it travels to the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow - COP26.
Our fortnightly Craft Club at the Hub was the perfect chance for Apprentices and staff to create patches and get involved. Below are some examples of our completed patches, the inspiration behind them, as well as a picture of the whole coat on its journey.

In the Sea by Frank - "My patch represents how polluted the oceans are and the negative affect that it is having on our planet.”

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